The Automatän SF65 sheet-to-sheet singleface laminator features the OBF (open board feed) concept - a design that offers easy board feeding and the ability to accommodate an automated board prefeeder. The SF65 is designed in the same configuration and has the same precise registration as the popular Automatän labelers.
One of the most exciting opportunities in the graphics packaging arena is singleface laminating. Today's increasing demand for structural integrity behind high fidelity graphics, to allow for bulk palletizing, handling, and retail distribution, is met with Automatän singleface laminating equipment.
Automatän's singleface laminators, at speeds to 10,000 sheets per hour, compete very favorably with inline singleface laminating systems productivity, yet offer the flexibility and low waste of sheet-to-sheet for today's varied jobs and run lengths. Simplicity, accessibility, small crew requirement, low adhesive consumption, negligible set-up times, and low capital investment are all benefits with Automatän singleface laminators.